South Valley Water Reclamation Facility (Utah)

Available Series:PDF Report

13769 - Accounts payable
13761 - Accounts payable checks
13764 - Accounts receivable
13765 - Accounts receivable invoices
13778 - Annual budget
13777 - Annual financial reports
13776 - Audit reports
13762 - Bank statements and hand checks
13775 - Budget background records
13774 - Budget estimates and justification files
13773 - Budget reports
13755 - Building plans and specs
13766 - Check register
26568 - Construction project files
13757 - Construction reports
13758 - Contracts and agreements files
13756 - Deeds and easements files
13772 - Disposition records
13760 - Employees retirement records
13763 - Expense checks
13771 - Fixed asset files
13767 - General ledgers
13754 - Grant records
13779 - Laboratory operation manuals
13780 - Laboratory purchase orders
27193 - Laboratory records
13781 - Maintenance equipment manuals
13785 - Maintenance purchase order log
13784 - Maintenance purchase orders
13786 - Monitoring wells report
13768 - Personnel purchase orders
27186 - Pretreatment user files
27197 - Purchasing contract records
13759 - Retirement records
27187 - Safety training records
27188 - Solids disposal waste manifests
13770 - State treasurer's accounting statements
13782 - Vehicle maintenance records
13783 - Work orders